Snails- freshwater

I don’t see a topic for freshwater snails. Let’s start one.:grinning:
I have a few questions regarding zebra nerite snails. Do they like to live in groups or are they solitary? Most of the lit seems to indicate the latter.
How long can they sleep?
Do they eat only algae? The lit seems split on this.

Here is a short of my snail on its first day.
“My first snail since I was a kid. So far the zebra nerite snail seems happy.”

I think it is a female. Would you agree?

Regarding supplemental feeding of nerite snails, I have read and , in my limited experience , found that they don’t eat the algae wafers. I am wondering if a non- sinking shrimp food, like the glas garten baby shrimp food, might work. One of the reasons I went to sinking food only for my shrimp is that the non-sinking food got all over the sides of the tank and the shrimp did not seem to eat it. That characteristic would seem to make it a good supplemental food for nerite snails. Thoughts?

Help! My shrimplets ate all the tank algae. I am worried that my nerite snail doesn’t have enough to eat. I cut back my Java moss, increased the length of lighting and increased my powder algae food which usually sticks to the walls. Any other suggestions?

Algae wafers are a great alternative to the powder. Depending on how many snails/inverts you have, just half of a wafer may be more than enough. Plus - the wafer will sink, so you’ll be able to monitor the feeding!

I have tried several different brands. My nerite snail won’t touch them. My Red Cherry Shrimp aren’t big fans either :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Do you have a favorite brand?

Fresh, blanched vegetables that are high in calcium. Zucchini is a fan favourite, I’ve had success with mixed salad greens too. Blanching helps it sink and starts to break down the tough cell walls of the vegetable for your invertebrates. Larger pieces allow both snails and shrimp to potentially graze, compared to small pieces that are easily taken over by aggressive (lol) shrimp.

Anyone know if green water benefits snails?

Best of luck and blessings!