So iv fallen down an intrusive thought rabbit hole. Of can u safely drink water from a planted tank. Most people make the assumption of fish in the tank but what if we were talking a shrimp tank? Not planning on doing it obviously. Idk I feel like heavily planted shrimp tanks are the most clean tanks on this planet. After observing my shrimp for so long I can safely say they eat and consume everything and anything considered waist or algae.
Only if you like fish peepee and poo poo
Think you’d be okay but wouldn’t recommend it, in a doomsday scenario I’d probably boil it first. In a heavily planted tank the water would be quite “clean” by definition.
I accidentally got some in my mouth and it tasted sour and gross.
Was exactly my train of thought. Specially if it’s a shrimp only fishtank heavy plants🤔
Ewwww, no. I have 60 freshwater tanks I clean every week, and the muck I pull out of them is gross, man.
I run a “tight ship” and quarantine and pretreat, but parasites, worms, assorted bacteria and things like fish TB are all a possibility in any tank.
Never drink it, and make sure you either wear long gloves in the tank or at least, make sure there are no open wounds on your arms, hands or fingers before sticking your body parts in there. Any make sure those body parts are clean - chemicals on your skin (hand creams, soaps and whatever else) can make your fish sick or dead.
Happy fishkeeping! >o_o<