Hey I’ve just bought some Fire Red Shrimp I’ve heard so many different things, are they there own Shrimp or are they a grade of Cherry Shrimp. And some tips to breeding them would be helpful!
They are a grade of cherry shrimp, neocaridina davidi
Keep your water parameters stable. Add live plants. Wide variety of food including plant and animal protein. Some form of surface disturbance like an air stone.
Happy shrimp keeping!
Word to the wise: baby shrimplets are incredibly tiny - nearly microscopic!. You could easy clean the shrimp tank and suck up all the babies without even knowing it - especially if they are clear/white.
I’m 60, and seeing them without glasses requires strong light and patience, so I don’t throw the babies out with the old bathwater, so to speak! I use a clear turkey baster to examine every draw of silt from the tank, to find those babies!
Good luck to you! >o_o<