Fish tank

I have a 39 gallon and I have to clean it every week fatefully should I add a lot of plants in to Keep the water clear for a long time?

Hi there.
Short answer is yes.
Long answer: When you say clean, do you mean algae or mulm? Snails are the best algae destroyers depending on the species, nerites are all around fantastic and won’t breed in freshwater so they won’t take over your aquarium. If it’s mulm, try feeding less. Regardless, yes plants help naturally clear the water, they’ll use the mulm, they’ll compete with algae for nutrients. Not to mention happier critters, it seems many species love plants in their environment. After that, consider increasing other forms of filtration. Make sure you have the biological aspect covered, such as using some form of biomedia. You can even try looking up DIY biological filtration for more ideas in that direction.
Hope this helps! My planted tanks are going crazy but I only scrape the glass once every 3 months for aesthetics :+1::crossed_fingers: