About the Introductions category

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Hi just started breeding hope to be good.

Hope that you do good, and enjoy the hobby. I am Discus guy and have 4 beautiful Discus around 7" in size for sale along with a 55 gal acrylic tank with hood and stand for sale.

Discusguy here again, I also have a 35 gal acrylic tank with stand that i have a few fish in and a large pleco, 2 blue fish and a large clown loach also. If interested in these let me know… I am a senior and can really not longer take care of the tanks any longer.

Hi, my names Rebecca S. Ive always had a heart for this hobby! I have had fish since I was a child, anyways, I have been breeding some cherry shrimp and am looking forward to selling some of the little guys so they can go to a good home!